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It is used in the production and storage of ayran , The milk to be made of ayran is sent to the tank and then the fermentation is done. The fermented milk is broken and cooled. Thank You for looking at our products
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These fans enable heating of hot chambers with steam. Produced from AISI 304 grade materials. Thank You for looking at our products
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CIP Cleaning System are the units which purposes best cleaning in production lines and provides automatic cleaning with water and various cleaning solutions without seperating the machines into pieces like we do in manual cleaning. With another word, they are the easily used automatic systems which provide clenaing the compounded close circuits with high hygiene level. It consists of the head letters of the word ‘’cleaning in place’’. This system is quite effective about hygenical cleaning and succesfully used in high capacity tanks, long and complex pipe lines for years. The use of cip cleaning system also prevents the operator to touch dangerous chemical cleaning materials. Thank You for looking at our products
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Centrifugal Cream Separators serves to make cream and skim milk, to obtain some cream from whey or sweet-cream buttermilk, and to standardize milk and milk products to a desired fat content. It is applied in the industrial manufacture of nearly all dairy products. The purpose of this step is to separate milk into cream and skim milk. All incoming raw milk is passed hrough separators, which are essentially high-speed entrifuges. They separate milk into lighter cream fraction and heavier skim milk fraction. A separator of adequate bowl capacity should collect all the slime material containing heavy casein particles, leukocytes, larger bacteria, body cells from cow’s udder, dust and dirt particles, and hair. If the particulate fraction of raw milk is not removed, homogenized milk will develop sediment upon storage. Skim milk and cream are stored separately for further processing. Use of a separator also permits fractionation of whole milk into standardized milk (or skim milk, low-fat milk) and cream. Skim milk should normally contain 0.01% fat or less. Standardization valve on the separator permits the operator to get separated milk of predetermined fat content. Increased back pressure on cream discharge port will increase fat content in standardized milk.By blending cream and skim milk fractions, various fluid milk and cream products of required milk fat content can be produced. Thank You for looking at our products
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Used for heating and cooling of liquid materials. Thank You for looking at our products
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Homogenizers are designed to lyse the particles in food products (oil and protein particles) to acquire a homogenized end-product. These units are most commonly used in milk, cream and yoghurt facilites. Homogenization application enhances consumption features, quality and shelf life of the products while also increasing the production output. Thank You for looking at our products
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The blender, which is an ideal solution designed to mix powders and fluids in the dairy, food and beverage industry, provides a hygienic, fast and efficient homogeneous mixture. which is easy to use and saves energy and time, businesses can make a homogeneous mixture easily and effectively. Thanks to its specially designed pumps, it allows to obtain products with high dry matter by mixing milk powder and milk homogeneously in enterprises producing dairy products. Thank You for looking at our products
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Open or enclosed milk acquisition tanks, provided with 600 lt and 2000 lt capacity options Thank You for looking at our products
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Pesteurizers are automatic systems which systematically heat up and cool down the milk by means of plated heat exchangers for the purpose of increasing the temperature of the milk without degrading physical and bio-chemical features (vitamins and diastases) of patogen bacretias and nutrients. Thank You for looking at our products
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